Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cool out

Alright who stole the warm days? My food source is not leaving the patio door open for to go in and out anytime I want. He says it is too cold out to do that, but I think it is just fine out. He has what he calls a cat door he talks about installing but so far he has not done this. He did have a thing with a hole cut in it that has some kind of force field that he can push aside but I refuse to use it, so far anyway. The food source disappears everyday for so long I start to wonder if he is coming back or not but so far he has come home to take care of me.

After the last time he left I tried to watch him so that he could not disappear again. I would not let him go into a different room for very long before I would go see where he was. I have not done that for a while but I still like to know where he is. He better not take off like that again or I will be mad at him.

I hope that soon it is nice out so he goes out on the patio more so I can spend more time out there too.

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