Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weekends are good

I am feeling better and can jump on stuff easier and I guess it was a good thing to go see the Vet, but don't tell the food source I said that. I am still a bit tender on my back but things are getting better. I have been getting back into waking the food source up to get me breakfast when I think it is time, but he tries to tell me I am too early. I just keep it up until he finally gets up and takes care of my needs. A couple swats to the nose usually work well for this.

Some days he works on the computer and is not working on my blog or reading other cats blogs to me. I let him do that for a few minutes then I give him warning that time is up. If he still insists on playing around like that I go up and start to tickle the bottom of his feet, and keep getting more insistent up to biting his ankles. the food source is always barefoot in the house so that works really good. I don't even have to bite hard to really get his attention.

I have been sorry to hear about all the kitties being sick and crossing the bridge even though I don't really know any of them. I hope that every one that has been feeling bad gets better fast and that all the kittehs out there have a few lives left yet.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Hobo here. I am in a really bad mood and I thought maybe telling you about it might help. Today the food source came home early from "work" and he picked me up and tried to be really loving and nice. I should have never fallen for it. The food source then tried to put my in a little prison cell. I fought him as hard as I could but he managed to force me in there and then he shut the door. Then I was carried out the door and put into some kind of a box and left alone for a minute. Then the food source magically appeared next to my cage. There were some noises and then the world outside started to move by. At first I thought it was a trick but I figured out that my box was moving. After a time the big box stopped and the food source got out, I thought that he had escaped and would soon rescue me but I was wrong.

He did come and get me but he took me into this funny building, where some other beans were doing all kinds of things. I was then let out of my cell but there was a strange bean there that grabbed me and poked and prodded me and did all kinds of unspeakable things to me. After poking me this bean tried to grab my paws and attack my toes. I finally was able to inflict enough damage on that bean and it stopped grabbing my paws.

The food source then put me in the cell again and then took me to the big box. It started moving again and next time it stopped I was taken inside a huge box and soon the food source managed to get the cell away from my captures. Once he set me free from the cell I found that I was in my home and soon the food source provided me with some good food.

The food source here. I see Hobo has been telling you about his adventure. He actually went to see his Doctor since he had not been jumping very much since Friday but had seemed better as the weekend went along. The Vet said that everything seemed ok and figured that maybe he had strained a muscle somehow. He got a shot and I will be watching him to make sure that he continues getting better.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America

My food source and I want to wish all of you a Happy 4th of July. He says it is a really important day in the history of America, which we all celebrate with picnics and fireworks and parades in some places. Sounds like lots of fun!

The food source brought home a bunch of food or at least he says it is but I can't smell any there. I did make sure that he stacked it correctly according to my plans. It took a little while to get his attention but eventually he did it ok, not perfect yet but getting better.

I am going to keep this short since it is almost nap time. meow!