Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Is Coming (Finally)

It is finally getting warm enough that the food source will open the door to the outside world so I can go out and get the fresh air and meow at the people as they walk by. I know it has been a long time since I have posted anything to this blog but the food source has been busy or so he says anyway. He put on headphones and sits on the computer sometimes and he tries to not let me sit on the keys when he is doing that. He says he is going to online classes but I thing he is just being mean.

I am glad that it is getting warmer outside so I can have the door open more so I can go in and out all the time when I want. Maybe the food source will use his outdoor thingy to cook steaks again so I can help him with everything specially the eating part.

I hope that I will be able to get the food source to type posts for me more often so it will not be so long between them.